Friday, May 26, 2006

We Must Go

As we continue to prepare for India this song is just another reminder of how we are doing exactly what God has called us to do.

" God of Justice" - by Tim Hughes

Click here to listen to it.

God of Justice, Saviour to all
Came to rescue the weak and the poor
Chose to serve and not be served
Jesus, You have called us
Freely we’ve received
Now freely we will give

We must go
Live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken
We must go
Stepping forward
Keep us from just singing
Move us into action
We must go

To act justly everyday
Loving mercy in everyway
Walking humbly before You God
You have shown us, what You require
Freely we’ve received
Now freely we will give

We must go
Live to feed the hungry
Stand beside the broken
We must go

Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out
Fill us up and send us out Lord

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Writing a Support Letter

A few things to keep in mind when writing a support letter

1. ) If Contributors want their contributions to be tax-deductible, please have them complete the tax-deductible form that was attached to the e-mail that was sent to you. As well as have them write your name in the "memo" section of the check.

2.) Please do not have the Contributors drop the contributions in the offering, but rather please have contributions mailed to Granger Community Church / Re: India Mission's Trips / 630 E. University Dr. / Granger, IN / 46530 or drop off contributions in Jack's box in the work room or have contributions mailed to you and then can you can place them in Jack's box.

3.) Please feel free to add to the blog website in your letter for your family, friends, and contributors to keep track as we go. This is our Blog website which we will be utilizing for the October 2006 India trip with relevant information. Please feel free to add comments or ask questions.

Team Training #2

Went over team assignments, recommended vaccinations, and other pertinent information. The meeting was held outside due to it being so nice. The weather was perfect!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Vaccinations and Immunizations


-Tetanus- $8 (every 5 years)

-Polio- $37 (one dose as an adult)

-Twinrix (Hep A and B)- 3 shot series - $50 for each shot. (total of $150) (Once the series is complete, good for life)

-MMR- $50 (need two shots total over lifetime or has had the measles)

-Typhoid- $58 (every 2 years)

-Malaria – Check with your Physician first- *Note: Do not take Lariam or Metholoquim

We have, in the past, recommended Doxycyline as the anti-Malarial for India teams. Doxy is a cheap, good, general antibiotic with good anti-Malarial capabilities. The anti-biotic is typically “intestinal”, and therefore safeguards against bacterial nasties that one may accidentally consume while on the field. Here’s the problem: Doxy has had tendencies to irritate people’s stomach on the field, and also has some issues with sun/skin sensitivity. People who take Doxy on the field often have to abandon it due to other reasons (i.e. nausea, severe sunburn, etc), and so end up with limited benefit from the drug.

Recently, we have switched to recommending the combined drugs of Malarone and Cipro. Malarone is an anti-Malarial that is a little more expensive than the Doxy, but does not have the abdominal side-effects or skin sensitivity issues. Cipro is a general antibiotic that has great anti-bacterial qualities (just like Doxy), but does not have the abdominal or skin-sensitivity issues. Now, combined, they amount to a pretty penny, but seem to be a good combination without the downsides of Doxy.

You will need to have your physician prescribe the Malaria medicine for you as the Health Dept will not be able to do so.

Vaccinations are administered by the St. Joe County Health Department.
Please check out if you would like further information.

Vaccination Dates at GCC

Shot Series #1: Thursday, July 6, 2006
Shot Series #2: Thursday, August 3, 2006
Location: Meeting Room (by Ginny Lawley’s Office)

Next Step:
To ensure there are enough vaccinations please e-mail Skip Dodge which vaccinations you will need by May 31, 2006. Payment can be made at the time the vaccination has been received.